Bio Cleaner 203

BIO CLEANER 203 – Fruits & Vegetable wash (350 ml)

A specialized biological solution for the food industry, designed for washing fruits and vegetables with antibacterial properties.


– Efficiently removes any traces of pesticides, harmful plant protection chemicals, and dirt on vegetables and fruits.
– Kill 99.9% of germs.
– Reduce the risk of food poisoning.
– Keeps fresh and preserves fresh produce longer.
– Not irritating to skin, gentle, and safe for the user’s hands.
– Odorless.

– Dilute at a ratio of 1:2000 for washing fruit surfaces.
– Soak fruits and vegetables thoroughly in the diluted solution.
– Soak for 5 minutes for light soil, or up to 10 minutes for heavy soil.
– Use gentle handling when necessary.
– Rinse thoroughly under running water and allow to air dry.

– 1 bottle = 350 ml.
– 1 carton = 28 bottles.

– Unopened: 2 years.
– After opening: 1 month.